I found this article on CNN.com and I thought it was an interesting analysis of the situation. At first glance, this looks like it could be a sexist joke about how women don't need watches because there is a clock on the stove, and that's where they should be, but it's not. In fact, it is full of comments from working mothers that say that this study is total bunk. The real argument here is that working mothers might need to pay more attention to the food being served in the household and how much the kids eat that food. Apparently the BMI of children for third grade "was approximately a 1-pound gain for every six months the child's mother worked. The weight gain was cumulative and the link became stronger as the children matured into fifth- and sixth-grade in the analysis of 900 children." I don't think that this article is stating that mothers should quit their jobs and cook; I think it's stating that mothers are in charge of most households, and the economic situations have made children's eating habits secondary. The reason this focuses on women instead of men is because there are not enough stay at home fathers to have accurate statistics. This has to do with the economic situation and food, and I feel this article is important because people, mothers in particular, are losing track of their kid’s health because of work. With seventy percent of mothers working outside the home, this statistic will definitely be on the rise.
-Post by Will
I definitely think it has MUCH to do with lack of time and eating out or grabbing fast food.